office lobby

The days of manually managing an access control system to barriers such as gates and doors will soon be a thing of the past. Cloud-based access control technology is rapidly replacing traditional methods at the workplace.

Enterprises and property teams looking to upgrade or install an access control system must make sure they choose the right system for their facility.

Features of an Up-to-Date Access Control System

Choosing the best access control system is an enormous investment and critical to protecting assets. It provides essential security, giving property teams peace of mind. Here are six features of the best access control systems.

Access Configuration

Access control systems should have a management platform that allows for easy configuration of different authority levels for each badge holder.

Administrators should also have the capability to configure credentials for access on specific dates and times. For example, if a conference or event occurs after working hours, it will be necessary to expand facility access for employees or visitors. For personnel to gain access to specified areas, administrators must activate user credentials. Top-tier, cloud-based access control systems may allow administrators to select a timeframe for credentials to activate. At the end of the event, access is automatically restricted. Doing this reduces the likelihood of a third party gaining access to the property at a different time.

Custom Reports

A proper access control solution will provide different customized reports. Flexibility directly influences the number of reports and fields available for generation. Depending on the activity volume of the facility, the system will save multiple months of data and back it by syncing to a cloud platform.

Common reporting capabilities include:

  • Invalid access attempts
  • Activity history of each door
  • On-site tracking
  • Reporting fields such as door forced open, the specific date and time ranges, and door open too long

Fast and Secure Hosting

Modern access control solutions are hosted on-premises, on the cloud or as a hybrid (the collaboration of on-premises and cloud). Cloud hosting provides several benefits. Some of them include fast deployment and installation, and global scalability. These benefits can help businesses save valuable monetary resources and time when the time comes to scale.

A cloud-based access control platform allows an administrator to access the facility system from anywhere. This helps centralize operations. Whether the facility has 10 employees or thousands, systems with cloud capability make managing multiple locations easier.

Remotely unlock doors from anywhere with Genea’s mobile app.

Auto-Door Management

A unique quality of access control systems is their capacity to schedule door commands that respond to specific events or times. The feature is popular with facilities open to the public during the day and closed at night. A “Lockdown Mode” ensures that doors stay locked until a supervisor or manager arrives. Administrators can also program their system if a situation occurs when a door must remain open. For example, if building contractors visit to begin a new renovation.

Third-Party Integrations

A smart security system requires an even smarter platform. The ideal access control platform runs on an open platform to allow integration with other systems for centralization, streamlining and automating processes across zones. Evaluate the systems used daily, and ensure the access control platform will integrate seamlessly. Native integrations are also an essential feature for increasing office efficiency and productivity.

Touchless Access

Genea Security employee approved
Check-in process with cloud based access control

Unlocking a door without touching the communal reader is an essential safety feature in a post-pandemic work environment. Since most people have their phones with them all the time, a touchless access system using a phone is a convenient feature. Employees don’t have to worry about losing a plastic card or fob. Some mobile control access systems allow the opening of doors and gates with a tap or “twist-to-open” functionality.

Find an Access Control System Provider

Access control technology is a critical investment in a facility’s physical security. Review hardware, feature, and software options from the top access control service providers to choose a platform that works for you. The system should work in tandem with existing legacy access control units, be easy to manage and offer a secure experience.

If you are looking to update to a modern, cloud-based access control system, such as Genea, schedule a demo today and see how the solutions work for you!

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