
August 2023 Shop Talk: Accelerating ESG Success and Mastering Data Collection

In our first Shop Talk webinar, Brian Haine, Operations Systems Engineer at Genea, shares his expertise on metering equipment and utility monitoring. Discover the best methods for collecting accurate and actionable data, empowering your organization to make informed decisions. Watch the webinar recording to gain valuable insights and stay ahead of the curve.

Practical Ways to Implement Technology Tenants are Demanding

Genea’s Webinar on Practical Ways to Implement Technology that Tenants are Demanding covered how to select a technology project, how to evaluate a technology vendor, and what to look for in a solution.

smart meters

Submetering Laws, Regulations and How to Adjust

This webinar covered submetering laws and regulations on how to adjust to ensure accuracy and accountability at your building.

How Property Teams Can Save Energy by Going On-Demand

As tenants shift to working remotely as a result of COVID-19, some of our clients are generating significant energy savings by turning off building equipment during Monday through Friday lease hours and having tenants use Genea’s OTHVAC service to turn on HVAC as needed. This is an excellent option for running buildings more efficiently during this period of lower occupancy.